Python Start
For kids aged 12 to 13
Kids learn to code in Python — one of the most popular programming languages in the world. They get to apply their knowledge in practice, creating programs for study, entertainment and everyday life
A solid start
in programming
Hands-on learning
Kids start creating games and apps right from their first classes, studying the tools and terminology they need as they progress
A deep dive into IT
In the form of a game, our students take a journey from an interview with an IT company to becoming a lead developer
Nurturing project thinking
By completing orders, students learn how to allocate tasks in a team, plan their time effectively and work towards their goals
Scaling new heights
with every project
A project-based approach
Working in a real IT company means real orders! Students get to develop automatic calculation programs, tactical shooters and apps for processing photos. Each project marks a new step in their understanding of how to code.
learn to
Write code in Python, and understand its syntax and basic data types (within 2 months)
Create computer apps and make them user-friendly (within 5 months)
Develop games with multiple levels using Python's professional libraries (within a year)
Work in a team and create their own projects, from the basic idea to presentation (by the end of their second year)
Take classes from anywhere in the world
No time spent on traveling
Up to 10 kids per group
Classes at the Algorithmics school
In-person interaction with the teacher and fellow classmates
Up to 12 kids per group
Choose a format
that works for you
Length: 2 academic years
Studying takes place on weekdays after school or at the weekends
A class lasts for 90 minutes with a break in the middle
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a place in one of our groups
We'll calculate the final cost of the selected package, taking into account any possible discounts
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If you have questions or suggestions,
write to us at or phone on +39 3459306683
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